JavaScript 30 by Jayasurya

Drum Kit

A drum kit with 9 variations to cheer up your mood. Works with mouse click or keyboard click

JS Clock

A clock which displays seconds, minutes and hours in analogue form using JavaScript


Exercise to show CSS variables can be updated using JavaScript.

JS array 1

Exercise to learn more about JS array methos like map, reduce, filter, sort.

Flex Panel

A flex panel gallery is a super cool image gallery that uses CSS flexbox to make it interactive.

Cities Search

Lets users search for cities or states in India, and it suggests matching results as the user types.

JS array 2

Exercise to learn more about JS array methos like some, every, find, findIndex.

HTML Canvas

Having fun with Canvas

Mailbox Select

Select multiple mails using Shift click.

Custom Video Player

Custom video controls and video player.

Key Sequence Detection

Some magic things go on when you hit the secret key.

Slide in on Scroll

Scroll to view sliding images.

Save notes

Save anything to localStorage.

Mouse Shadow

Move your mouse to move the shadow.

Sorting Challenge

Sort the list ignoring the article at the beginning.

Adding up Times

Add all times in the playlist and display it.

webcam fun

have some fun with your webcam and download photos.


Check your speeeeeeeeeeed and the direction you're heading in life.

follow along

Some smoodh transitions on hovering the links.